Return Policy

Shopping online should be like drinking a beer... fun and worry free. That's why we offer completely free returns and exchanges!

Note: We have a 60 day exchange policy. If more than 60 days have passed since your order, we won't be able to offer an exchange. This Return Policy is for online purchases shipped within the United States. We don't currently allow International returns. Purchases made at our Gift Shops will use the policy associated with each shop.

Expedited shipping is non-refundable on returns or exchanges.


If you need to return a product for a refund, please follow the steps below:
  1. Fill out the return form
  2. We will email you a pre-paid shipping label you can use to send the item back. 
  3. As soon as we receive the item, we will notify you and issue a refund. 


    If you need to exchange an item for something different, please follow the steps below:
    1. Fill out the return form to ship the original item back.
    2. Place a new order for the item you would like to exchange for. If under $50, we will email you a free shipping code so you won't need to pay for shipping. 
    3. As soon as we receive the item you sent back, we'll issue you a refund for the initial order.